The biology major encompasses a structured curriculum including introductory courses, upper division core courses for all majors, and a wide variety of upper division electives including research-intensive capstone courses from which to choose. In addition, coursework in the supporting sciences of chemistry, physics, and math are required throughout the major.
Offered as a Secondary Discipline Minor
The Biology minor is for those students majoring in other areas who wish to gain a deeper understanding of biology beyond the introductory level support their career goals. SOU provides flexibility in the upper division courses for students to meet the minor requirements, allowing them to customize their curriculum to specific interests and needs.
Offered as a Pre-Professional Program
Pre-dentistry is not a major, but a collection of courses that fulfill admission requirements to most dental schools. Students must complete a minimum of 3 years of undergraduate work to be admitted to OHSU, but in practice, most have completed a 4-year bachelor’s degree before starting dental school.
Offered as a Pre-Professional Program
Pre-medicine is not a major; rather, it is a collection of courses that fulfill admission requirements to most medical schools. It applies to American medical schools offering the M.D. degree, to osteopathic medical schools (D.O. degree) and to podiatric medicine.
Offered as a Pre-Professional Program
Pre-veterinary medicine is not a major, but a collection of courses that fulfill admission requirements to most vet schools. In some cases, students may be accepted into the DVM program after their junior year, but nearly all students complete a bachelor’s before entering vet school.
SOU Biology Program
1250 Siskiyou Blvd.
Ashland, OR 97520
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