Congratulations on being admitted to the Tickle College of Engineering!
The college is rapidly growing with new facilities, more students, and research opportunities. We are thrilled to have you join us at such an exciting time. This list includes some important reminders about next steps as you progress into your UT experience.
Get your NetID and Student ID. Your NetID is your University username. Log in to your Go Vols portal and navigate to your “Next Steps” tab. If you need help, call OIT at 865-974-9900.
Set your password. Once you have your NetID, visit to set up your password. If you need help, call OIT at 865-974-9900. With your NetID and password, you will be able to log into MyUTK and your UT email account, which is the official means of communication between UT and students.
Pay your enrollment deposit. Visit and log in using your NetID and password. Here you can confirm your enrollment by paying your $250 deposit by May 1. The deposit is nonrefundable and nontransferable, but the great news is that it will be credited to your first semester costs.
Paying your enrollment deposit fee allows you to sign up for orientation. One Stop Student Services handles all scholarship and financial questions.
Starting March 1, 2024, you can sign up to attend virtual orientation advising. We encourage you to attend virtual orientation advising as early as possible this summer. The earlier you come to virtual orientation advising the more class choices you will have. Remember: sign up for virtual orientation advising only after paying your enrollment deposit.
Once you sign up for virtual orientation, you will be emailed further information to help you prepare for your virtual advising appointment. Begin planning for a successful first year of college by visiting the TCE advising website. Tools for success you need to review prior to orientation include the online Undergraduate Catalog. Click “Majors A–Z” to view courses required for your degree. Also review the academic planning worksheets for your major. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on your major and 2023. Be sure to read all the instructions.
Please review the college orientation advising powerpoint and complete the requested forms for virtual orientation advising. Be sure to bring your completed forms that will include the AP/IB/Dual Credit worksheet and a tentative fall semester schedule.
EECS Students
Students in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or computer science begin their programming courses with Computer Science 101. However, anyone who has taken the AP Computer Science A Exam and received a score of 3, 4, or 5 will receive credit for COSC 101 allowing them to start with COSC 102 instead. As an alternative, you can take a placement exam to skip COSC 101 even if you are still waiting for official AP scores. Otherwise, until we receive official AP scores or a passing COSC 101 placement exam result, you will be placed in COSC 101. Students who have a programming background are strongly encouraged to take the placement exam for COSC 101 whether they have taken an AP Exam or not. Review the instructions for taking COSC 101 placement exam. This is a Canvas course and will lead students through a list of topics to study, two practice exams, a form, and finally the exam itself. Students need to earn 70/100 to receive proficiency credit for COSC 101. If you have any questions or issues related to the placement exam, please contact Stephen Marz ( in the Min H. Kao Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.