Vernon Terrace Primary School is a primary school maintained by the local authority (West Northamptonshire). It has about 240 boys and girls aged between 4 and 11. In December 2022 the school was rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted.
Particular strengths include Admissions and Finances. Relative weaknesses include Attainment and Disadvantaged pupils.
The school's overall score (out of 100) is given below. Coloured segments show the contributions of each indicator, explained in more detail below. Hover over the segments for details. Personalise the score by clicking on the button to set your own priorities.
Personalise scoresChoose what matters most to you with the menus below. By default, all indicators are set to ‘Relevant’ and are weighted equally in calculating overall scores for each school. Choose ‘Important’ for higher priorities and ‘Unimportant’ or ‘Ignore’ for lower priorities.