You use the Accidents/Incidents page to view your accident and incident records on file in the FAA Accident and Incident Data System (AIDS). The AIDS application contains records of aircraft accidents and incidents occurring in the United States and those involving United States-registered aircraft if outside of the United States. The AIDS records are limited to accidents and incidents occurring on or after August 1, 2010. For incidents, the full record displays. For accidents, since the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) provides the final report on accidents, the PRD Airman Records portal provides a link to the NTSB website,, with sufficient fields to perform a search on the accident.
The Accidents/Incidents page can be accessed at any time during your use of the PRD Airman Records portal by clicking Accidents/Incidents on the top-level menu. The Accidents/Incidents page displays.
The Pilot Inbox page is the home (or landing) page for Pilot users, i.e., the page that displays following your role selection on the Select Access Criteria page. To return to the Select Access Criteria page and log in to the application using a different role, click Pilot Info on the top-level menu, then click the Back to Role Selection Page hyperlink just below the menu bar and header row.
The title bar displays the application name, "Pilot Records Database," at the top of the page below the standard FAA page header. The Home, User Guide, Help and Sign Out links are displayed in the top-right corner of the FAA page header. The Home link navigates you to your landing (or home) page, Pilot Inbox. The User Guide link opens the PRD Pilot User Guide, which is the secondary resource for PRD Airman Records portal user procedures and reference information. The system Help link opens the top-level help topic, Welcome. The Sign Out link logs you out of PRD and displays the Sign Out page. Your name displays at the bottom of the FAA page header, right justified.
The top-level navigation menu displays at the top of the page (below the title bar) and contains links that provide access to the pilot functions: Pilot Info, Disapprovals, Enforcement, Accidents/Incidents, Experience, Driving, Consent, Notifications, Correction and User Profile. The page-level Help link on the top-level menu opens the Help file to the help topic specific to the current page.
Below the menus, the header section displays your first name, last name, certificate number and the date you last visited the page in the PRD Airman Records portal. This header displays on each of the pilot information pages in PRD.
Below the header are the following notices: (1) A search of the FAA Accident and Incident Data System (AIDS) on the date of this report revealed the following accidents or incidents. If inaccuracies are discovered in the information shown below, refer to Advisory Circular 120-68 (latest edition) for instructions; and (2) The table below will indicate any accidents and/or incidents dated August 1, 2010 or later for the current pilot certificate. A search for accidents or incidents dated prior to August 1, 2010 may be requested under the Privacy Act.
If there are no accidents or incidents on file, the following notice displays: A search of the FAA Accident and Incident Data System (AIDS) on the date of this report revealed no accidents or incidents on file for the current pilot certificate. If inaccuracies are discovered in the information shown below, refer to Advisory Circular 120-68 (latest edition) for instructions.
AIDS Service Note
If the AIDS service is offline, a message displays on the screen to indicate that the service is not available. In this circumstance you will not be able to access any Accident/Incident data.
Below the notice, the Accidents/Incidents data grid displays accident or incidents on file for your current pilot certificate, if any. If no records are found, a message displays no records were found.
View Accidents or Incidents
Any accidents or incidents on file in AIDS dated August 1, 2010 or later are displayed in the Accidents and Incidents data grid. Just above the data grid is the following notice: "The table below will indicate any accidents and/or incidents dated August 1, 2010 or later for the current pilot certificate. A search for accidents or incidents dated prior to August 1, 2010 may be requested under the Privacy Act. Clicking the Privacy Act link will navigate you to the FAA Pilot Records Improvement Act of 1996 (PRIA) page that explains how to initiate a Privacy Act (PA) request.
Below this notice, the Accident and Incident Records data grid displays.
Working with the Accident and Incident Records Data Grid
The columnheading row displays the descriptive text for the column content. Each column heading is also used to sort the data in ascending or descending order. For more information on working with data grid functions, see Working with Data Grids.
The default display for the data in the table is as follows:
To export the data grid content, click either the Export to Excel or Export to PDF button. For more information on exporting data, see Exporting Data.
View the Accident Details