1. For students holding qualified M.S. Degree, a graduate GPA of 1.50 or better from accredited institutions with specific relevance to business, computing and information technology will be qualified.
2. At least 2 years of relevant work experience is preferred as is breadth in educational experience.
3. A statement of purpose judged to be good fit for university’s PhD. Program.
4. Demonstration of a high level of competence in written communication as evidence by a writing sample.
All applicants are required to submit the following items to create an application package suitable for effective review of the applicant’s potential for success in SGS PhD. programs.
1. Application Forms
2. A detailed reflective statement of purpose highlighting career goals, capabilities to be developed, and self-assessment highlighting both strengths and weaknesses
3. A detailed resume or curriculum vitae
4. Transcript of Records
5. At least three letters of recommendation from faculty with an earned doctoral degree relevant to the program applied for or others qualified to judge potential for success in research.
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