A sound of thunder and other stories

Publication date 2005 Topics Science fiction, American, Science fiction, Short stories Publisher New York : Harper Perennial Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 1,014.4M

338 pages ; 21 cm

A collection of short stories from on of America's greatest writer's of science fiction

The Fog horn -- The April witch --The wilderness --The fruit at the bottom of the bowl -- The flying machine -- The murderer -- The golden kite, the silver wind -- I see you never -- Embroidery -- The big black and white game -- The great wide world over there -- Powerhouse -- En la noche -- Sun and shadow -- the meadow -- The garbage collector -- The great fire -- The golden apples of the sun -- R is for rocket -- The end of the beginning -- The rocket -- The rocket man -- A sound of thunder -- The long rain -- The exiles -- Here there be tygers -- The strawberry window -- The dragon -- Frost and fire -- Uncle Einar -- The time machine -- The sound of summer running

[WorldCat (this item)]

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