If you spend any time in Google Drive, you likely waste time on simple actions like duplicating docs or trying to make your docs look more attractive. There's a much easier way: Google Doc templates.
This article will show you how to find, create, and share Google Doc templates in just a few minutes.
Google Docs templates allow you to use preformatted documents that are already designed for what you’re working on: project proposals, newsletters, and more. Using a Google Doc template can speed up repeatable processes like creating monthly reports, since you and your team won't have to create the doc from scratch.
If you use templates regularly, consider using Workona's customizable doc templates. They're perfect for teams who want to speed up project work in Google Docs, Sheets & Slides.
To access Google Doc templates, go to Google Docs (you can find it by typing docs.google.com into your search bar). At the top right, click Template Gallery . Then click the template you want to use. By default, you won’t see all of the templates, but you’ll see the most popular ones.
To see all available Google Doc templates, click the Template gallery button in the top right. This will let you toggle between general templates (available to all Google users) and custom templates on your domain (if you’re on a paid Google Workspace account).
Here's what the general templates will look like:
If you’d like to access more templates than what’s included on the “General” page, you’ll need to install a third-party add-on with the templates you’re looking for. You can find these by searching on the Google Workspace Marketplace.
But since this marketplace includes all types of add-ons (not just those for Google Docs or templates), it can be hard to find what you’re looking for. The most popular addon for Google Doc templates is currently Template Gallery by Vertex42, but recent reviews are poor. Other options you may want to consider:
If it looks like you’re seeing templates in a foreign language, it’s likely "Lorem ipsum”. This is standard dummy text that's used as a placeholder in templates (not just Google's templates but in all sorts of templates). To fix it, simply replace the Lorem ipsum text with your own words.
Paid Google Workspace accounts allow users to turn an existing document into a template. If you’re not on a paid account, skip to these instructions.
template popup in Google Docs" width="576" />
While these saved docs aren’t as convenient as a real Google Doc template, they work well on an individual basis. If you’d like to share your saved document, be sure to make a copy first so there’s no chance of your collaborator messing up the original version. Another non-destructive way to share your templates is to organize them into a Google Drive folder, duplicate the folder, and then share with anyone you like.